Our Lady of Rosa Mystica Holy Oil

Our Lady of Rosa Mystica Holy Oil

Suggested minimum donation: $5.00

Our Lady of Rosa Mystica Holy Oil

It is appreciated a suggested donation of $5 for Sacramentals (to cover production costs) as they are blessed.

How to use the Sacramentals?

The good use of Sacramentals (water, oil and salt):

  • They are good as long as the person is in state of grace. 

  • In the case of water and salt, if I am going to use it in a house, it should be used by the head of the house if the priest is not present. 

  • The oil: only in case of emergencies to anoint the sick in the house.

  • The exorcised salt and water should be placed in the corners, doors and windows of the house.





Blessed oil containing the rose petals from The Feast Day of Our Lady of Rosa Mystica.

Suggested donation for Sacramentals (to cover production costs) as they are blessed.